This will not be surprising to most thinking people, but the Fox website would not post my response to a topic [over a week ago] entitled "House Democrats Seek to Tax the Wealthy to Finance Health Care Reform".
Please note at the above website, there have been posts since July, 14, 2009. They also have some of their polls noted on the right [of course] of the page. It makes any information they post suspect since they pick and choose what they will acknowledge.
This was my response which they refuse to post:
Where's the complaining on how our money was spent the past 8 years? I don't belong to either political party and this should not be a partisan issue. Unless you earn $500,000+ a year you don't pay for the new health plan, if you do, you're rich so quit complaining about paying more in taxes that will actually go to HELP someone - not blow them up. We have government force us to buy auto insurance and I haven't heard the outrage there. I am a Navy veteran, I love my country, and I believe in our Constitution... [Preamble]
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
It is the duty of our government to honor the above mission statement, which includes to "promote the general Welfare" of the people; Basic healthcare for our citizens; the poor and the wealthy. In 1971 the healthcare system went FOR PROFIT; designed to give less care and make more money- that was the disgrace. I am a Medical Technologist, and retired from the pharmaceutical industry. It seems there are people who are so afraid that someone might get something you don't think they deserve. I guess many of you would claim to be you I say, what would Jesus do? I think He liked us better before 1971.
My post also did not show up after posting. This is the post:
The following items have all been reported as fact by Fox News. All have either been confirmed as false or purely conjecture.
1.His name: It has been reported in every possible combination; Nidal Malik Hasan, Hasan Nidal Malik, Malik Nidal Hasan, etc.
2.He was a recent convert to Islam (This was baseless. Pure assumption)
3.He changed his name (Same as above)
4.He yelled “Allahu Akbar,” prior to shooting. (Initially reported as “Allah Akbar” This has turned out to be conjecture as no one can attest to hearing it first hand.
5.He was from the Middle East (First reported as Jordanian, then Palestinian)
6.There were several shooters (Reported as fact initially, later it was downgraded to a “possibility”)
7.He gave away copies of the Quran prior to his shooting spree (unconfirmed)
8.He wrote “Allah” on his apartment door (unconfirmed)
9.He was given a poor review for his work (unconfirmed)
I'm not saying any of this is untrue (except for what has been proven untrue), nor am I in any way, shape, or form defending his actions or motives. I think we can all agree that regardless of his motives it was a heinous, cowardly, deplorable crime.
What I am saying is; reporting as fact, that which has been unconfirmed or repudiated is irresponsible jounalism (the same is true for CNN, MSNBC and the networks). It is when emotionally inflamatory crimes such as this have been committed that it is MOST important for the news to be measured and responsible. Fomenting a seething hatred from their viewers can ONLY have a negative effect.
We are human and we all want revenge, but we look to the news for information, not justification. Respect for the fallen soldiers can also be shown by measured response and not emotional reaction.
Joy, I’m not surprised your comment was not published. Fox is the “decider”.
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