Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Deliberate

I will first say, that I did not start out politically where I am now. Oh no, I have been nudged, shoved and pushed here. I was not one of those who started out anti-Bush. I am however, one of the 20% of the population who, when I learn more and/or different information, will re-think my viewpoint. I don't belong to a political party because I choose to not be locked in to an already established mindset. I will no doubt elaborate on the learned information on future blogs, as for this one, I will stay with the topic chosen for today.

The notion that Rush Limbaugh is the talking head for the Republican Party these days, is as bizarre as it is disturbing. The attacks against our current president, are certainly in the category of "dissent", which is, according to Rush Limbaugh, an act of treason. Now it is being said that the liberals wanted Bush to fail according to a 2006 poll conducted by [so we know it's not biased] Fox News:

Therefore, this justifies the mind-set. I never met anyone who wanted Bush to fail, just stunned at how badly he [and his administration] did pretty much everything. The fault-finding of how the Obama administration is handling the unprecedented condition of our country, and wanting our president to fail as he attempts to clean up the national mess, certainly are the words of one who loves his ideology over country. The critical thinking is just not there. It makes me think of people who would come to your home [our country], bring their pets [cronies/cabinet members], leave a huge sewage issue all over your house, and then complain about how you go about trying to clean it up! So much has been written about our nation's surplus at the time Bush got to Washington, and the trillions in deficit he left, that I won't spend time going over numbers, you can find them anywhere on the web. I am recommending a bit of common sense, to think carefully, to be careful in deciding what to believe - yes we need to deliberate.

We have had plenty of time [years] to reflect on the previous administration's actions and very little time to see how the enormous task of trying to fix this mess is going to pan out. It is clear that Limbaugh's definition of "socialism" is any act of social unity. Now he is wanting people to boycott GM products and I'm sure many will, just as when he encouraged people in the last election primary to commit voter fraud, and they did, in several states. The talking head of the Jesus party of torture...can't you feel the love?

PROVERBS 6:12-19

12] A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; 13] He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; 14] Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. 15] Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy. 16] These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17] A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18] A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19]A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

How can the party which claims to be so righteous, have Rush as their front guy? [felon/drug charges; 3 failed marriages; zero in the academic world [actually less than zero, per his mother, "he flunked every subject.." in the short time he went to college]. Obama is accomplished academically, they hate that. They hate that Obama will show some humility and respect when speaking to people he doesn't agree with, and will try diplomacy perhaps instead of swiftly running to evil [war]. Wanting the Republicans in charge again would be like going back to the same surgeon who botched the operation. And really, what thinking person would do that? They somehow get away with their followers, the notion that now is when money is being wasted....hello, where were you people the past 8 years? We already know that Rush has lost his hearing, [not mean, just true, and I would never mock him as he did Michael J. Fox], and that he can only see out of his RIGHT eye. We have the deaf and at least, partially blind leading those who will not see.

I would like to think that if you show these people the truth of all that went on during the Bush Administration to harm our country, and us as individuals, that they would understand and re-think their stance. We are certainly living the aftermath. An attorney friend who has done hundreds of focus groups and mock juries stated recently, that he has come to the conclusion that the saying, "seeing is believing" simply isn't true. He has learned from his professional experience that for most people, "believing is seeing." I fear he is correct.

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