*This is a post by joyonboard, originally posted on forum [June 15, 2009]
I will now give a response to the question listed, instead of just talking about how the current system is so bad. The topic is regarding what components would you like to see in a new health care system, and whether or not one would be in favor of a single payer system. One way I have talked about for years is that if we must keep the current system somewhat in place that the following changes be made: For instance if a company such as Met Life or BC/BS is your health care provider, [they take your money for health care insurance], then they must cover you for disability, and life insurance as well. This way, they at least have a motivation to pay for quality health care, so you are less likely to need the disability payments, or to have to pay the death benefit payment. This could work well for the insurance company as well as the patient, since they will have all of your business.
The profit margins should be capped, [they do it on tort recovery] as to not be so high on the list of the Fortune 500. I am giving an example of keeping to some degree the ability to make some money, but not gauge the payee, or run the costs at the hospitals out of sight. This could be an option for those who can pay, and are willing to opt for this plan. Another option, for those who cannot, or choose not to go with the above plan, is the single payer system. One way to go on this would be to have the employed, pay on a sliding scale. This would be on a percentage basis, based on income. Let's take something from the French besides the Statue of Liberty, fries and the croissant.
The WHO ranks them #1 in the world for health care; and we could pick and choose what parts of their system which work best, and use our innovation to complete our system. The poorest of the poor do have Medicaid, but the people who fall between the gaps, either the working poor, or people on a miserly fixed income who suffer the most in this country when it comes to health care.
It was Americans who invented the airplane, cotton gin, light bulb, telephone [the list is long] and of course, the Colt revolver, and the semi-automatic shotgun (Browning)...I refuse to believe Americans cannot collectively invent a worthwhile health care system that will benefit all its people.
What suggestions do you have for health care reform? Feel free to send your ideas/suggestions:
Labels: Any Suggestions?, Healthcare Reform
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